
Hi, I'm Natalie, your new bestie!

I love trying new things. Products, services, food... You name it. I have somehow become that person who tries out everything, and then shares detailed experiential reviews with my friends. Instead of rewriting those texts a million times, I figured I could start a blog to answer more questions for more people. And maybe I can gain some new besties along the way. It's nice to meet you — I'm glad you're here!

A little about me...

Here I am at peak quarantine with my husband David and our very good boy, Junior. We live in Chattanooga, TN, in one of the coolest neighborhoods on the planet. We love good food, good drinks, and neighborhood walks. We own a business together, and that's where I spend most of my time. But I wanted to try something new!

My goal is to bring you simple, sensible stuff — we're not talking hand-rolled pasta and $3,000 handbags (although if that kind of thing floats your boat, I ain't hatin' — and please invite me over for pasta night). I'll be talking about stuff that makes life easier and more joyful. Simple as that.


Want me to review something?

I'm happy to consider suggestions from readers or collaborations with brands.